I'm reading the book of John 5:1-9 , the question of reason comes to my mind why are you hear In the scripture we find a man who was invalid for 38 years and he is sitting next to the healing pool : Bethesda for 38 years, no healing .... the scripture further states that an Angel would come from time to time to stir the pool and whoever jumps in first will get healing.Jesus come passing at the pool he saw this man and ask him if he wants to be healed - the man explains that he does not have a person to help him get into the pool every time when the Angel come for 38 years he has been trying to get into the pool but while trying to move forward somebody will jump in first and overtake him. Then again another question come to my mind - How many times was this pool stirred per year ? the bible doesn't tell us - but IF it was once a year it means this man tried 38 times , if it was twice a year it was 76 times ...the bible says from time to time .. so any number can ...